
Year 6

Class teachers:  Mrs Norford,

Miss Sutcliffe, Mrs Stamer and Miss Bourke 


Supported by: Mrs Detchon


Throughout the year, we read some fabulous books: Thornhill by Pam Smy, The Journey by Francesca Sanna, Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. We will be watching a performance of MacBeth by the Young Shakespeare Company in October, a WOW factor before studying it in more detail in our English lessons.



In History, we study World War II and the Vikings, including a visit from a Viking story teller. We do map work in Geography followed by a road trip to America (wouldn't that be nice!). Our religious studies include Islam and Buddhism. We will be conducting investigations and experiments in science. 


Every Wednesday, we will be using the facilities at John Smeaton Leisure Centre for our PE lessons. We will be leaving school at 9.15 am, returning by 11.15 am. Children should come to school in their PE kit (black or navy shorts, a white T. shirt and a pair of trainers. Going into the winter they should wear black or navy jogging bottoms and a black or navy sweatshirt). 

Home learning



We will be giving out maths and grammar homework every Monday, the children will need to hand this in by Friday. They will also need to practise their spellings - either on spelling shed or writing out the spellings for the week. They will have a half termly list of spellings at the beginning of each half term and log in details for TTRS.




Children need to bring a bag with their reading book to school every day, and we expect that children read at home a minimum of 3 times a week; reading records should still be completed in Y6 to show this (but can be filled in by your child) and dojos are given for reading at home.

History homework learning challenge!
