
School Meals

School Meals Information


Children are able to concentrate and learn better when they have eaten a healthy, balanced lunch and a school meal can be the simple solution.


School meals for all children in Reception year, Year 1 and Year 2 are completely free of charge under the government's Universal Free School Meals scheme.


School meals in Year 3 and Year 4 cost £2.10 per child, per day (£10.50 per week) and in Year 5 and Year 6 they cost £2.20 per day (£11 per week).


Dinner money is payable in advance for the week ahead and should be paid using the school's online payment app.


Depending on your individual circumstances you may be entitled to free school meals when your child moves into year 3 and beyond. Please contact the school office if you think this may apply to you.


Please be aware that you must commit to your child having either a school dinner or bringing a packed lunch every day. School has to order food in advance and is therefore unable to cater for different weekly meal patterns. Please let the school office know if you wish to change your child's meal pattern.


Lunch times
Lunches are cooked on the premises and we also provide space for children bringing a packed lunch. The school lunches provided are of a very high standard and vegetarian and religious requirements are catered for.


In our school we serve 3 meal choices most days. Each meal includes a main course, vegetables and salad, pudding of the day or fruit or yoghurt and chilled water.


We use great quality produce:

  • Fresh vegetables and potatoes, locally when in season

  • UK farm assured chicken, beef and pork

  • Free range eggs

  • 100% salmon and white fish fillet from sustainable sources

  • Dolphin friendly tuna

  • Choice UK cheddar

  • Menus are designed to provide healthy, balanced meals which will be enjoyed by children

  • Menus meet the Government guidelines for school meals

  • All medical and religious diets can be catered

