Supported by: Miss Metcalfe, Miss Manson, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Kauser and Miss Hughes
In Year 1 our top priority is reading. The children will continue to develop their knowledge and use of phonics through the Read Write Inc scheme. We ask that parents support their child's reading by encouraging them to read their book bag books as well as developing their love of reading through exposure to a range of other stories. As the children become more confident in their phonic knowledge, they are expected to apply this to their writing by producing phonetically plausible sentences (e.g. The snayk is undir the bed). Words that can not be read phonetically (e.g. the, you, said), are taught through sight reading.
In maths, our first priority is to develop the children's command of numbers 0-10 as this underpins their understanding of number throughout their academic career. Children must be able to recall number bonds for each of these numbers and understand related subtraction facts (e.g. 6 + 2 = 8 so 8 - 2 = 6). By the end of the year, children need to be able to reliably add and subtract 1 digit numbers with other 1 digits numbers and with 2 digit numbers. As the year progresses, we will introduce the concepts of multiplication and division by teaching children to count forwards and backwards in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
In Science we will cover materials, seasonal change, the human body, plants and animals.
in History we will cover the lives of our grandparents and why Neil Armstrong was an important person.
In R.E. our focus is Christianity and links are made to Christmas and Easter.
In Geography we will cover hot and cold places, seasonal change, compass directions and the countries and seas of the UK.
Art and DT topics include animal patterns, designing and making a healthy snack, felting, making puppets, drawing Van Gogh's 'Sunflowers' and exploring wheels and axels.
P.E. topics will include dance, gymnastics and basic skills such as throwing, catching and taking part in team games.
If you have any questions about what we are covering or need to talk to us about anything then please speak to a member of the Year 1 team.