If you are concerned or have any complaint about the school curriculum or any other related matter please express your concern to the class teacher initially, or the Headteacher (Neil Winn) / Deputy Headteacher (Ben Farrar) if this route is more appropriate.
Any complaint made against a member of staff will initially be dealt with by the headteacher, and then by a committee of the governing board if not resolved. Any complaint made against the headteacher will be initially dealt with by a suitably skilled member of the governing board and then by a committee of the governing board
If the concern/complaint cannot be resolved informally, please write formally to the Headteacher or Chair of Governors as appropriate. Any such correspondence should include the recipient's name and be clearly labelled "Private and Confidential" and posted to school. Alternatively, you can scan the letter and email it to admin.manager@grangefarm.leeds.sch.uk,
Please click here to be directed to the policies page, where you can read the full Complaints Policy and Procedure.