


Early Years Leaders: Mrs Scarr and Miss Wheelwright


Class teachers: Mrs Scarr, Miss Cail and Miss Williamson 

Supported by: Mrs Rowland, Mrs McDonagh, Mrs Kaur, Miss Wyatt and Mr Haywood


In Reception year (Foundation 2) we work hard to ensure that your child reaches their full potential. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that aims to ensure each and every child can thrive. The relationships we build with the children and their carers is very important to us. 


Reading is at the very heart of everything we do and we encourage you to read as much as possible with your child at home. Our reading curriculum strives to foster a lifelong love of reading, as well as developing fluent, confident readers who can successfully comprehend and understand a wide range of texts.  


We believe The Early Years are the best and should be exciting and memorable!


 As well as our English, Maths and phonics education we also enjoy plenty of time outside, in the forest, making healthy food, dancing and singing, creating art, designing and discovering new and interesting things every day in science, history and geography! 


Everything we do is underpinned by our personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE). 


Please take the time to read through our curriculum and early learning goals as this will help you to understand the end of year expectations and the topics we are likely to cover over the year.
