At Grange Farm we are very proud of the work done by our School Council.
They have been involved in many changes that have taken place including:
- making packed lunches more healthy,
- gathering ideas on how to spend our ethos reward tokens,
- discussing how to make the playground more enjoyable for children,
- they will also be introducing a competition for all children to design a road sign to make the roads around school safer.
The School Council also form part of the Trust Forum and work alongside children in the Leeds East Primary Partnership to share teaching and learning ideas.
There is one representative from each class from years three to six. Each year new members are voted, very democratically, onto School Council. Each class holds its own election and selects one candidate who then becomes the School Councillor for the following school year. The School Council then meet monthly to highlight important issues that affect everyone in school. Ideas are discussed then reported back to classes before any final decisions made. In this way, we aim to ensure all children are given an opportunity to ‘have a voice’ in school with those issues which affect them the most!
The School Councillors are always proud of their opportunity to make changes in school and always put in a lot of effort and commitment to make sure their year in office is successful!