Class teachers: Miss Sutcliffe and Mrs Boparai
Supported by: Miss Ellis, Miss Eubanks, and Mrs Mohammed
To begin our learning in Year 4 we will be studying the Ancient Greeks in history and reading and writing lots of different Greek myths in English. We are also looking forward to our trip to Leeds City Museum in October to consolidate this learning (letter to follow!) Later in the year, we will learn about the Ancient Romans, study the teachings of Hinduism and Christianity in RE and learn about rivers and how natural disasters have an impact on the population in geography.
In mathematics, we will begin the year refreshing our knowledge of place value and basic number facts, as well as focusing on learning our multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 in preparation for our Multiplication Tables Check in the summer. Don't forget, you can download the TT Rock Stars app for your child to practise at home and enter "The Battle of the Bands". The children (and the teachers!) get very competitive!
In our science lessons, we will be exploring the organs in our body and how food is digested, including a disgusting experiment to show this in action! We will also cover topics about states of matter, electricity, classifying animals and recognising what a healthy diet looks like.
In Year 4, we will go swimming on a Wednesday morning 4S will swim until February half term and then it will be 4B’s turn to swim until the summer. PE will be on Thursday afternoon and for the class not swimming also on a Wednesday. Children wearing correct PE kit (plain white t-shirt, black shorts or joggers and trainers) will be rewarded with class dojos!
Please make sure your child brings a school bag, water bottle and their reading book to school every day. It would be great if you could listen to your child read at least three times a week and write positive comments in their reading record, which we love to write back to!
Please feel free to speak to us outside the classroom in a morning or after school about any questions you have about the year ahead.