Curriculum Statement
Our aim is to develop pupils who love learning and to provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the next stage of their education and beyond.
Our curriculum:
- Prioritises language skills, oracy and reading in the early years so they are ready to access the national curriculum in year 1
- Prioritises the development of English and numeracy across school so pupils can access all areas of the curriculum
- Ensures pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum that fulfils the requirements of the national curriculum and the locally agreed syllabus for RE
- Treats all children equally in accordance with the equality Act 2010
- Prepares pupils for life in modern Britain, developing their understanding of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- Enhances pupils’ personal, social and emotional development (PSED)
- Ensures that all pupils with special educational needs are well supported to access the curriculum
- Is carefully planned and sequenced
- Provides a range of trips, visitors and extra-curricular opportunities to broaden pupils’ life experiences
- Encourages children to master skills and deepen knowledge so they can think critically
- Enables pupils to be creative through art, dance, music, drama and design technology
- Facilitates the use of feedback in a way that is manageable, meaningful and motivating
- Uses assessment efficiently and with purpose
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.