Class teachers: Ms Foster and Mrs Gilpin
Supported by: Miss Rasalan, Mr Evans and Miss Fielding
Our main priority is ensuring that the children learn to read fluently and with understanding so they can read to learn in the following years. The children will be taught to develop their phonic skills to read and write accurately, at their stage, through the Read, Write, Inc scheme. Every child will need to bring their bookbag to school every day to support this aim.
In maths, children will be taught in ability groups to develop their ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide as well as understand fractions, shape, statistics, weights and measures. During R.E. lessons the children will develop their understanding of both Islam and Christianity. Art and D.T. lessons will provide children with opportunities to prepare food, build structures and vehicles and learn about the work created by William Morris, Giuseppi Archimboldo and L.S. Lowry.
We will explore the reasons for the Great Fire of London and find out how Rosa Parks changed the world. We will learn about human and physical features in geography and compare Kenya with the U.K.
P.E. will take place every Monday and Thursday for which children will need black joggers or shorts and trainers.
If you want to chat to us about anything, the end of the day is the best time.