
Home Learning

Websites for home learning

Home learning can have great benefits for children and their families. We hope that the home learning opportunities we promote will support parents and carers in having a positive impact on their child's progress without causing stress and anxiety. 


Many children enjoy taking part in home learning which supports their Learning Challenge Curriculum. This may have a history, geography, science or art focus and often involves children in choosing how best to extend and present their learning. Children in year 5 recently created box-models which represented rainforests along with 'fact-finder' quiz cards and powerpoint presentations - as they were created at home, they were all unique and very impressive!


Reading books/ homework

Each child in school will take home a reading book to enjoy with an adult. In addition, homework will be sent home on set nights. All children need a bag for their school books. Large school book bags are available for £10 from the school office.




Mathematics homework:


  • Times Tables Rockstars (ttrockstars/login) is an excellent resource, used with great enthusiasm by many children. School provides access for all children in Years 3 to 6, please ask if you don't have a log in for your child. Please download the app so children can use it at home.

  • Year 3 are given tables to learn each week and are regularly tested to see what they can remember.

  • Year 4 are working hard on learning their table facts and maths homework is given out on a Monday, to be handed in on a Friday.

  • Year 5 are continuing to learn their tables and will also be given additional homework tasks as the need arises.

  • Year 6 are given maths homework every Monday, to be completed by Friday.


Maths is everywhere. Cooking, shopping, packing things into bags and boxes, planning a journey… even the buildings all around you. The more you look, the more you will see. Use every opportunity you can to get your child talking about maths!



Spelling homework

We recognise the importance of teaching our children to spell accurately. Children who can spell feel confident and are able to write with enjoyment. We want our children to be equipped with a range of strategies for learning spelling and to be able to apply their strategies when spelling words in their independent writing. To help support our teaching of spelling, we use Spelling Shed for children in Years 3 – 6.

Spelling Shed is a game-based tool that can be used at home to boost children’s confidence in spelling. Children enjoy playing the games and practise their spellings in a fun, interactive way. Your child’s teacher sets lists of words that your child should practise and will monitor their progress via the system.

Each child has a login and they can access Spelling Shed online here: The website can be accessed using a computer, phone or tablet.

The Spelling Shed does not share any personal information and our full privacy policy can be accessed at

For further information on how to use Spelling Shed at home, you can go onto You Tube – Spelling Shed at home and there are several videos explaining how to use it at home. There is also a parent guide to support you to use Spelling Shed at home.
